And It’s a Wrap!

OC 152, which gave birth to this blog, has ended yesterday (with the 5pm deadline of all blog entries). I just want to use this opportunity to thank all those who visited this blog, especially those who gave their comments. I know I sucked at commenting (I commented at around the first or so blogs, and then faded into oblivion), but people still commented on my blog.

I hope that this journey will not stop in this course, and that I get to have a longer conversation with everyone.

Knowing me, I might not even continue this blog. Still, it’s nice to hope, right?

Thanks anyway.

The horizons of communication is ever expanding, and we must keep up. Still, let us not lose our focus on the most important things. See you guys around! πŸ˜‰



  1. barrycade Said:

    thanks for the hard work in class, leah. good luck to your other subjects πŸ™‚

    • Leah Said:

      Thanks sir! πŸ™‚

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